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Partner Content | Best Basic Skincare Routine That Reverses Skin Aging


Best Basic Skincare Routine That Reverses Skin Aging

It does not matter how great a gene pool you come from, but without an excellent skincare routine, age and weather damage will start to show up on your skin sooner than later.

But that you are here now shows how much you care about your skin. If you are looking to get on a good skin treatment routine, you will be bamboozled by the huge number of choices out there in the market.

And it does not get better when you ask friends or members of your family who are already on their skincare routines. You see, every skin is different, and their choices might not work for you.

This makes building a good skincare regimen for your skin a very personal matter.

Of course, it all starts with the products that you choose for your skin treatment. You need a set of products that can work for all skin types.

Therefore, you need to work with a brand name that understands skincare, and does not skimp on research. And today, we have got just the right one for you, which we will look at later.

0verall, there are three basic things that any skincare regimen must have. These are:

●    Cleansing the skin
●    Toning the skin
●     Moisturization and sunscreen application

These are the fundamentals of skincare, but they are not the limit. You also need to do spot treatment, eye care, vitamin therapy, and many more.

Why it is important to build a good skincare routine

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The skin (facial, neck, and décolletage area) is always exposed to the weather elements. Without a skin treatment routine that you can follow religiously, your skin becomes worse, as you grow older.

Poor lifestyle choices, use of the wrong products, and ignoring the use of deep facial cleansers makes the skin look, and feel worse.

Adopting a basic skin treatment routine can reverse aging, balance complexion, tone, and improve its elasticity. By basic, we mean a bare-basics package. This is a treatment regimen with products that you must use on your skin either daily or nightly.

Building a skin treatment practice need not be hard, or costly. The bottom line is to invest in high quality skincare products, from a high reputed brand name.

This is where the Good Morning Sunshine skincare package from Robin McGraw Revelation comes in. We shall look at the three recommended products in this package in detail, later.

Some of the benefits you will reap when you embark on a good skincare routine include:

●    Clear tone, balanced complexion
●    Well refined and closed pores
●    Smoother, wrinkle and line-free skin
●    Elastic, plumper, and softer skin
●    Higher skin cell turnover rate
●    Makes you feel great, thus boosting your self-esteem
●    Keeps the skin moisturized
●    Sunscreen usage protects you from skin cancer

Stay patient – It takes time to get the benefits

The technology used to make skincare technology is very advanced. However, there are still no products that can clear the skin instantly.

After you start using a daily skincare routine, well, the first instinct is to run to the mirror after a couple of hours. And feel disappointed when you do not see any changes!

Well, only the sham skincare brands promise overnight miracles, and they fail with utmost certainty. The top skincare brands do not make such unfounded promises.

In fact, one of the requirements is to use their products consistently, and in the right order. For instance, Robin McGraw, the founder of the Revelation luxury skincare line, says you must use the Foaming Joy cleanser before applying any treatment. Robin is also Dr. Phil’s wife, and has used him as a guinea pig for testing the skincare products.

There is no overnight fix. You must use the products consistently to see the results. Generally, you should use a product for 4 to 6 weeks before the results start to manifest,” says Robin.

However, checking the skin daily is okay so that you can notice any reactions in good time. Sometimes, some products will just not work for your skin.

They could cause irritation, rashes, or itching. If that happens, you want to stop using the products in good time. Apart from such issues, please the products consistently, and in the right order.

How to cleanse your face like a pro

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Cleansing your face is the first step in any skincare treatment. When you come home from work, you need to remove all the makeup, as well as the bacteria, dirt, and toxins that your face picked from the environment all day long. Always use a high quality cleanser before you can apply your nighttime routine.

In the morning, you need to use the cleanser again to wash the face. Overnight, a cleanser such as the Foaming Joy purifying cleanser breaks the bonds between the dead skin cells. Using the cleanser in the morning before applying your daytime skin treatment removes the dead cells. It reveals the naturally glowing skin.

Of course, the first step to cleaning your face in the right way is to choose the best cleanser. Here, I recommend you use the Robin McGraw Revelation Foaming Joy, which is a purifying facial cleanser. It is a foaming liquid that is activated as soon as you pump it onto your palm.

When you apply it on your face, it reaches deeply into the skin’s pores to remove the bacteria, grease, and dead cells lodged inside.

Buying the best product is just the first step. Knowing how to use the product helps you to enjoy all its benefits.

Here is a simple process for cleansing your face:

1. Use warm water to rinse your face

Warm water is better than cold water for rinsing the face since it softens it, and opens up the pores. Also, do not wipe the face dry. You need it moist so that the cleanser can start working.

2. Apply the cleanser

Put a pump of the cleanser gel on your palm and rub your palms. Massage the cleanser into your skin in circular motions, applying it to all parts of your face, including around the eyes.

Sprinkle warm water onto your face to form a lather. This will help the cleanser to get deep inside the pores and remove dirt.

3. Apply it from the nose outward

You can start applying the cleanser on the nose, then move outwards towards the cheekbones. When you get to the eyes, massage circles around them. Continue applying the cleanser on the forehead, and around the ears. You want to spread it all over the facial skin.

Apply it with gentle pressure, as if you are massaging the skin. Neither be too firm nor too gentle. The idea is to spread the cleanser all over the skin to remove all the dirt.

4. Remove the cleanser

After spreading the Foaming Joy cleanser all over the face, you need to clean it off, by washing your face. Start by washing your hands under running water. With the hands wet, wash the cleanser off, and repeat as often as needed, until all the cleanser is gone.

5. Using the cleanser to remove makeup

To remove makeup at night, dip a muslin cloth in the water, and use it to wipe the makeup off your face. After the excess makeup is removed, you can follow the method we discussed in steps 2, 3, and 4, for removing all traces of the makeup.

6. Dry the face

Once you have removed all traces of the cleanser, dab the face dry with a clean towel. That is all for the cleansing process. Now, you can go on to tone the skin, as you will see in the short process in the upcoming section.

How to tone the face like a pro

The importance of toning the skin is to remove any dirt that might have been left behind by the cleanser.

Using a good skin toner also makes the skin more absorbent. That way, the beauty serums, and other products that you will use on the skin can be absorbed properly.

Many people prefer to skip the toning process, but just in case you need to do it, do the following:

Choose the right toner – This requires you to know the ingredients used in the toner. For instance, if it has vitamins C and E, Hyaluronic acid, and Alpha and beta hydroxyl acids, it will do more than just tone the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a good moisturizer, and vitamins C and E brighten the skin and neutralize the free radicals.

Apply the toner with your fingertips – You can apply the toner with your bare hands, using the fingertips. This is the recommended way of doing that, since it does not waste the product.

You can also apply your toner using a cotton pad, although it is not too recommended because it wastes too much product. You can split the cotton pad into two parts to make it thinner, so that it does not absorb too much toner.

If your toner contains an exfoliating acid, please do not apply the toner too often. Rather, applying it 2 to 3 times a week should be enough.

If you use the Foaming Joy cleanser, you do not need to apply a toner.

Beauty serum treatment

In addition to using cleansers and toners, beauty serums are very important in any skin care routine. Robin McGraw says that for a woman to be able to care for the people under her, she has to take care of herself first. And one of the most rewarding ways to do that is by taking good care of their skin.

This is why Robin McGraw Revelation offers a high quality beauty serum in their lineup. It is called Vita Boost, which is a vitamin therapy serum. It infuses potent vitamins such as provitamin B5, Vitamin C and E into the skin.

A good beauty serum will do the following:

●    Clear lines and wrinkles, and prevent the formation of new ones
●    Fade dark spots
●    Brighten the skin color
●    Kick-start the production of collagen and elastin, which uphold the structural integrity of the skin
●    Lower inflammation in the face
●    Lower acne breakouts because it has antimicrobial qualities


Most of the skin issues that we experience come from lack of moisturization. When the skin is too dry, it cannot purge toxins, dead cells, bacteria or grime.

Robin McGraw says, “A good moisturizer prevents the loss of moisture through the skin layers. It should also help to pull moisture from the inner layers of the skin to the outermost layers where it is needed most.”

Everyone, irrespective of their skin type needs a high quality moisturizer. Whether it is a nighttime or a daytime moisturizer, you must apply it at least once a day.

If you do not use a skin moisturizer, many things happen. However, the biggest concern is how the cells shrink, and in return, this causes the skin to sag.

This explains how a nighttime moisturizer such as Hydra Qwench works, to give you a plump looking and soft skin in the morning.

When the cells of the upper dermis absorb moisture, they inflate and grow in size. This is how the skin stretches, clearing wrinkles, and fine lines. When the cells shrink, the skin sags. If the skin lacks enough collagen and elastin, it sags even more loosely.

As you grow older, your skin loses its ability to hold moisture. This is why dermatologists recommend using a good moisturizer all year round.

A good moisturizer has oils that complement the natural sebum that the skin secretes to stay moisturized, supple and elastic. It restores the skin to its former, youthful glory.

4 most important products in the most basic skincare routine

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The last piece of the puzzle of building a good skincare routine is to choose the right products. If you fail in this step, you could ruin your skin, or spend too much money trying one product after the other.

To avoid such complexities, go for a trusted brand name, and buy everything you need from them. That way, if you have a problem from any of the products, it will be easy to identify which one caused the issue.

It will also be easy to raise a complaint with the customer support team. For instance, the Robin McGraw Revelation customer care team is awesome. They respond to queries fast, and you can even reach out if you don’t know what product to buy.

Now, let’s look briefly at the four products that you must have in even the most basic skincare routine:

●    Foaming Joy – Purifying cleanser
●    Vita Boost – 20% Vitamin C infusion serum
●    50 Fierce – Broad Spectrum Sunscreen
●    Hydra Qwench Moisturizer cream

1. Foaming Joy Cleanser

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This could easily be the best gift that Robin McGraw ever gave the world. It is a deep facial cleanser, that foams, and reaches deeply in the pores to remove all toxins, bacteria, and dead cells.

It is also a 2017 Spring, Oprah Magazine O-Ward Winner. Going through the rigorous testing process is not a joke, and only the best products win. Whether you have normal, dry, oily, acne-prone, or combination skin, you can use the Foaming Joy cleanser with confidence.

Some of the ingredients that give the Foaming Joy Cleanser its power includes chamomile extract, which is an anti-inflammatory. There is also green tea oil which is a super antioxidant, as well as apple fruit extract, which promotes collagen production.

These are just a few of the key active ingredients. There are many more.

This is a lathering cleanser, so to apply it, start by rinsing your face with warm water. While the skin is still damp, apply a pump of this cream on your face in circular motions, until you have covered all the face.

After that, wash the cleanser off with clean water, and dab your face dry so that you can apply the toner, or other treatment.

Before you apply any nightly or daytime skin treatment, you should start with cleansing your face. The skin picks up toxins, bacteria, and other contaminants from the environment.

Also, use the Foaming Joy to remove all traces of makeup, and then apply your nighttime moisturizer before sleeping.

2. Vita Boost 20% Vitamin C serum

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For the skin to maintain its structural integrity, it needs many vitamins, but the chief ones are vitamins C and E, and provitamin B5. And tell you what … the Vita Boost serum with 20% vitamin C offers that, and more!

Imagine being able to boost your skin with immediate infusion of vitamins. Instead of taking them as food supplements where they have to go through the entire digestion system, the skin gets them directly from this serum.

Vitamin C is not only an antioxidant that neutralizes the free radicals, but it is also a skin brightening agent. If you have an uneven skin tone, consistent application of the serum is going to even the skin color.

Vitamin E also has antioxidant properties, so it protects the skin from damage and fast aging. It is also a humectant that draws moisture from the surrounding air and binds it to the skin. Do not also forget that vitamin E is an emollient that makes the skin soft.

Provitamin B5 is a skin soother and healer that calms the skin. If you have sensitive skin, it can help to calm it and prevent itching and irritation.

Also, using an exfoliating cleanser like Foaming Joy can sometimes cause slight irritation on sensitive skin. This is why you need a soothing vitamin infusion therapy, such as you will get from the Vita Boost serum.

After cleaning up the face, neck and décolleté, you can apply 3 to 5 drops of Vita Boost on the areas. Massage it in gently in circular motions, until all of it is soaked in. Wait a few minutes for the skin to dry, and then you can wear your sunscreen, and finally, apply your makeup.

Robin says you should use this serum once a day, with your morning skincare routine.

3. 50 Fierce Sunscreen and Moisturizer

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Everyone should wear sunscreen during the day, even when they will spend the whole day at home. As long as you will step out of the door to do something in the yard, you need to protect your skin.

Even when there is no direct sunshine, the skin is still under threat from the UVA rays. These are the sun rays that are able to penetrate the skin, and cause cellular damage.

The UVB rays of the sun are more of short wavelength, and they are responsible for causing sunburns. You need a sunscreen that can protect you from both.

Luckily, the 50 Fierce is a broad spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 50 plus. That is not all too because it also comes with a moisturizer, so you also keep your skin moist, and supple.

Remember, the sunscreen is always the second last treatment to go on the skin, after all the other treatments. It is only the makeup which should come after it.

4. Hydra Qwench nighttime moisturizer

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This is a nighttime cream for moisturizing the skin. Everyone needs a moisturizer, and a nighttime one is even better. If you apply it before sleeping, in the morning, you wake up to a hydrated, plump and flexible skin.


You can see how easy it is to build a basic skincare routine, and the products that even the most basic package must have.

By using products that will cost you less than $200, you can get started on the best skin treatment routine. Because you only have a few products to apply, you will use less time, and you never have to skip your skin treatment even when you are in a rush.

Once you get started using the products that I have shown you here, please stay consistent. Do not use for a week and then stop when you don’t see results.

Some people see results faster, and some take time. It all depends on the skin type. Thus, stay on a routine for 4 to 6 weeks before you can judge it.

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